This is a chip housed on the Motherboard. It controls everything and is the 'Heart' of the computer. The processor works alongside the other components and its job is to process many instructions at the same time between the different hardware and memory systems based on your computer/laptop.MotherboardThis is the most important componant on your computer/laptop. All connections between the PC and the peripheral go through the motherboard in order for the computer/laptop to work effectivly. A motherboard allows all the parts of your computer to receive power and communicate with one another.
This stands for Basic Input/Output System and is a collection of different software utilites. On virtually every computer available, the BIOS makes sure all the other chips, hard drives, ports and CPU function together.
In previous pages i have looked at CACHE and RAM so for more information on these topics please refer to my previous section Storage Devices.
ROM is a read only memory and themicroprocessor can access information stored on a ROM chip whenever it needs to.
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