Input Devices

·         Digital camera 

This allows us to take pictures, connect to your computer/laptop and print     photographs off.













·         Keyboard 

This allows the user to type whatever they wish into their computer. This can be from Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel etc. This can also be in the form of emails, blogs etc.














·         Mouse 

This allows the user to direct the computer in the direction that they wish.


  • ·         Microphone
This allows the user to speak and interact with others through the use of webcam, skype etc.


  • Webcam
This allows the user to communicate and interact with others through a small camera installed into the computer. This can stretch as far as places like Australia, America etc.

  • ·         Scanner This allows the user to scan things onto your computer such as photographs, newspaper articles, drawings etc. A scanner also allows you to send these to other people or post them on the internet. 

  • ·         Graphics tablet
    This allows the user to hand-draw images and graphics, similar to the way a person draws images with a pencil and paper. These tablets may also be used to capture data or handwritten signatures. It can also be used to trace an image from a piece of paper which is taped or otherwise secured to the surface.

  • ·         Mobile phone There are many different types of mobile phones. You can connect your mobile phone to your computer/laptop. This allows you to do many things such as charge the phone, download music,videos, pictures etc. It also allows us to print pictures that are stored on the phone and upload them to social networking sites such as Facebook.

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